RUBIS’ acquisition from Shell of SAGF (Shell des Antilles et de la Guyane Françaises, i.e. « Shell in the West Indies and French Guiana ») was finalised on 30 November 2005. The transaction was completed for a total of 107 million euros, after exclusion of the entire « Aviation » business and before any cash balance adjustment, due to take place in the first half of 2006.
Notice of this acquisition was given in previous press releases dated 7 June and 12 September 2005.
The capital increase, launched on 21 November, runs until 12 December inclusive. The Prospectus for the new issue was approved by AMF, the French financial markets authority, under No. 05-784. It includes a section on « risk factors ». Copies of the Prospectus are available from the Company’s registered office, on the websites of and, and from the advising banks, Calyon and Sodica.